Stock Market Wealth


by | Stock Market Wealth

No One Will Save the Economy

Millions of years ago, when animals alone roamed the earth and only the rules of the jungle applied, the proto-birds {early forms of birds} began to develop wings.

When we look at the amazing birds of today, we take it for granted that some form of animal developed the ability to fly. However, to create the precise proportions of drag, lift, weight and thrust and to go through the correct evolutionary processes to optimize a living body for powered flight, many changes had to occur.

One of the most amazing scientific theories regarding why wings first appeared on theropods is that males wanted to impress females with beautiful forms of strength and color patterns.

Love and sexual urge, as well as the innate need to reproduce are hypothesized to be behind the evolution of wings, and I, for one, can relate.

When I first met my wife {now seven-months pregnant with twin boys… yes, I’m in trouble}, I courted her, using any and all means of wizardry and wing-flapping I could come up with.

The urge to find love and live your life with a mate is one of the basic needs we have and is the deepest expression of sharing the gift of life. It doesn’t surprise me that wings, in the first place, were used for blanketing little younglings from the cold, hiding from predators, and looking bigger than you really are.
Humans can’t fly, and we are massive compared with the frail and petite birds that occupy our skies.

Birds actually went through a phase of miniaturization, fusing bones, shedding organs and replacing mouths and teeth with beaks, among other weight and measurement optimizations to make flight possible.

Hollow bones lowered their weight further and allowed more air to reside in their bodies, along with shrunken hearts, which, at rest, beat between 200-1,000 times per minute.

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    When chicks hatch, flying has to be the most frightening task that their mother implores them to undertake. She knows that if they can’t fly, predators will attack the nest.

    The first flight has to be terrifying, but it must be done. Wings aren’t just used for courting and dancing in front of a prospective mate, or to shield the chicks from cold and harsh conditions; their symmetry and geometry is perfectly designed for flight.

    Wall Street attempts to make investing look as impossible as flying, but through evolution, individual investors, who do not use high-fee products that money managers advertise as the solution to all of your problems, have created multiple channels of information, where the quantity and quality of data flow has to match and perhaps surpass that of any particular Wall Street firm.

    As 2021 comes to a close, hedge funds on Wall Street are cashed-up. They’ve exited LONG positions and have been in the process of covering shorts, which brought days like Monday and Tuesday. These were big up-days on thin volumes.

    The next major event that will decide much of how 2022 will look is the FED’s meeting and what information can be extrapolated from it.

    Now that the short squeeze in high-flying tech stocks is behind us and the bubble has popped, the atmosphere is that of a sideways market.

    The next catalyst needs to be big to send markets either up or down.

    Birds fly because they had to evolve, in order to survive; so must we. The markets aren’t smarter than you and Wall Street isn’t better than you. Mental discipline is far more useful than stock-picking, and that’s where you can soar above the clouds and build lasting wealth.

    Best Regards,

    Lior Gantz

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