Personal Finance Articles

Putin’s ICBM Response is a WILD ESCALATION!

by | Personal Finance

You’ve Seen Nothing Yet

You’ve seen nothing yet. I want to take you inside the head of Donald Trump and the MAGA appointments and put you in the head of Vladimir Putin, if you’ll let me.

If you act like the most dangerous and reckless nutjobs that ever walked the lawns of the beautiful White House, Barack Hussain Obama and Anthony Blinken, then you dismiss your enemies, with your arrogance and conceit, thinking that your enemies think in the same way you do, so all of your tactics and strategies FAILED EPICALLY.

How can Barack Hussain Obama, a man with no real roots, no allegiance to the flag or respect for the constitution, reach the highest office in the land, unless he acts like a trojan horse, a charming devil?

He HATES the American way and, in his world, the United States is born of sin and his mission is to fix that primordial sin.

Anthony Blinken is an auto-antisemite, a self-hating Jew.

These are two of the craziest revolutionaries the world has ever seen, and the warning signs were there all along, but when decadence set in on the American public, they were spellbound by the rhetoric and the fantasy buzzwords, instead of understanding that these are walking disasters.

Fortunately, the catastrophes became so visible that the American public ERUPTED with a plea to go back to common sense.

Why did Biden and Blinken, along with Lloyd Austin, the Secretary of Defense, who failed to tell Congress that he was sick and vanished, without letting the American people, change their approach about allowing Ukrainian forces use American missiles to strike ATACMS into the heart of Russia, when the American public clearly told them they don’t have the mandate to do anything important?

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    It is because they are AGAIN trying to box Vladimir Putin in!

    These are dangerous people that we should all fear have any authority, let alone the kind of power they possess.

    Blinken convinced the other failing nations of UK and France, to join him in this gamble and both countries also allowed Ukrainian forces for the first time to use Storm Shadow missiles and SCALP missiles.

    If Putin doesn’t retaliate, he appears WEAK to his people and if he does, then Trump must change his stance towards him and view him as an enemy, working directly against the doctrine of ending the war, while he is still president-elect.

    How is Biden even allowed to manipulate his position as commander-in-chief in this manner?

    There is no excuse. The only conclusion is that like Obama and Blinken, he doesn’t respect the people and feels anointed, better than the commoner, who relies on the elite to decide!

    Putin has responded already and this is only the beginning.

    After Putin succeeded in recruiting North Korean soldiers to his war and made the war global, his next likely move is to bring Europe’s Radical Muslim population to his side and then we’ll see if these progressive failing nations, once the rulers of the world, will wake up and smell the fire is in their own living room?

    Donald Trump will not protect you, will not fund you and will not let you exploit the American Treasury. Brussels, good morning — time to pay the piper. Russia is your problem! You allowed Biden and Blinken to irritate Putin and make him feel paranoid about Ukraine. You allowed Hussain Obama to inspire Putin to invade Ukraine in 2014 and Biden in 2022.

    Trump won’t abandon you, but you better tell all of your coffee-drinking youth that they might have to wear uniforms soon instead of making funny Tik-Tok videos and waving climate flags.

    Reality is about to kick in.

    Best Regards,

    Lior Gantz

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