Special Reports
Become A Wealth Machine

Mega Crypto Crash: Liquidations Left and Right
Touted by Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey and other tech titans, cryptocurrency and the blockchain could represent the future of modern money. At the same time, dreams of fabulous crypto wealth are going down the drain as even the top-tier tokens are collapsing day after day.

Trump’s Plan is Unfolding Beautifully: Patriots Stand By for Action
It’s ugly out there, but it’s also picture-perfect, depending on how you look at it. No one in the White House or on Capitol Hill is getting a good night’s sleep in a midterm election year, a time when the tide will turn and populism will be the prevailing theme of the year, if not the decade.

Commodities for the Win: All Signs Point Higher
It’s history in the making, even if the so-called experts in the media haven’t recognized it yet. They’re obsessing over every tick in the NASDAQ and Dow Jones, but the real headline news is the once-in-a-lifetime potential in commodities now.

Biden’s Weak West
Americans are making their voices heard loud and clear. When asked, “In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, do you believe President Biden should make increasing American energy production a priority?” 77.3% said “yes” while just 9.3% said “no.”

Putin’s Checkmate of the West
Some would call it a slow-motion disaster; others would call it the most impactful event of 2022. As explosions are heard in Ukraine’s cities of Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkiv, and Mariupol, onlookers worldwide know that they’re witnessing a historic yet chilling occasion.

Unholy Stolen Wealth: Vatican and Gold
In search of the world’s vast stores of gold, most people would look to Fort Knox, or maybe Swiss banks or central banks and governments around the world. Yet, there’s a powerful global entity with incalculable reserves of wealth – including massive quantities of gold bullion – but it’s shrouded in mystery and largely unreported in the mainstream media.

Biden’s Policies (and the lack of them) Causes Recession Fears
Russia preparing to invade Ukraine... Heating bills soaring as a blizzard chills the northeast... The stock market just had one of its worst Januarys on record... After a terrible 2021 with Joe Biden’s approval ratings slipping to new lows, 2022 is already turning out to be an unmitigated disaster.

Gold and Silver Manipulation: Big Bullion Banks’ Suppression Scheme!
A gold “flash crash” shocked and appalled commodity traders exactly one year after gold hit an all-time high on August 6th 2020. It wasn’t an issue with gold bullion itself, but a sudden and unexpected plunge in gold paper/futures contract prices that represented the biggest two-day drop in gold (in dollar terms) since the March 2020 crash.

Silver to $35 Per Ounce Easily: The Technicals Are Irrefutable
No matter which angle you’re looking at it from – economics, chart technicals, or a combination of both – the bull case for silver is as powerful as ever. $35 will prove to be a key level, and after the bulls break through that, the $50 resistance point from 2011 will be next in line.

Gold to $3,000 and Beyond: When Will It Hit All-Time Highs?
$2,000 and much higher: it’s not an “if” question but a “when” question for gold because it’s destined to break through new resistance levels, just as it has always done in the past. Still, it’s understandable that people want to how long it will be and how far it will go.

Precious Metals, Inflation, the National Debt, and Biden: A Recap of Current Events and the Inevitable Outcome
Between the government’s extreme monetary policy, skewed prices among multiple market sectors, and the confluence of national budgetary concerns, there’s no shortage of flashpoint events impacting the commodity market today, particularly precious metals.

Inflation Signs All Around Us: This Summer Will Be Nuts
It’s the silent destroyer of wealth that impacts each and every one of us, rich or poor, but especially the middle class that works and saves for years just to watch our money’s value waste away due to reckless government print-and-spend policy.

Death Blow to the Dollar: The Chinese Killer Shot That Can End the Currency Wars
It’s the biggest war of the 2020s but there won’t be a draft like WWII or the Vietnam War. In fact, most reporters in the mainstream press won’t dare to bring up the topic, but it’s as historically significant – and potentially just as devastating – as the Cold War that the Baby Boomers grew up with.

Voter Fraud 2020: Allegation Summary
As multiple states on the electoral map mysteriously turned from red to blue, it became increasingly evident that something isn’t right with the U.S. election. In the world’s greatest nation, a rigged voting system is undermining the foundations of our democracy.

Dollar Bear Market 2020: From Reserve Currency To Worthless Paper
Everything comes in cycles and nothing lasts forever: these are the forgotten lessons that U.S. dollar perma-bulls are being forced to learn in 2020. All of the assumptions are being torn down as King Dollar is being dethroned and no matter what you’re invested in – stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, cryptocurrencies, or even real estate – you must pay attention to this.

Silver Bullion to $50: No Worries, The Rocket Is Still On The Launch Pad
The concern that unsophisticated traders are piling into precious metals is something that I’ve been hearing a lot lately. After seeing incredible gains in physical silver – and even bigger gains in the mining stocks I’ve been recommending – I can tell that some folks are worried about coughing up those profits.

No Hope For Retirement: All Safety Nets Have Been Torn to Shreds
The full picture of the “American dream” is supposed to involve the comfortable golden years: a time when you can finally stop working and relax for 20 or 30 years. After all, you deserve to enjoy those years after a lifetime of labor and sweat, not to mention the taxes and other contributions you paid into the system during that time.

Ray Dalio’s Wisdom and Warnings: Populism Rises While America Declines
The global pandemic, civil unrest and riots, a bitterly divided nation in a pivotal election year: 2020 is turning out to be an historical inflection point that will alter the course of America as we know it. If you expect that nothing will be the same after this year, you’re certainly not alone in that sentiment.

Worst Candidate in American History: Everyone Knows It
With President Trump’s words razor-sharp and able to cut through any competitor, you’d think the Democrats would pick a candidate with fresh ideas and a quick wit. Unbelievably, they came up with Sleepy Joe Biden, the 77-year-old Obama lackey who can barely form a coherent sentence, much less lead the nation.

SHOPPING LIST Q3 2020: A New Menu for the COVID-19 Recovery!
In the face of disaster, some companies fell by the wayside while others adapted, adjusted, and thrived. Central bank intervention and government bailouts favored certain businesses over others, while a handful of companies demonstrated their staying power in times of crisis.

Fuse Lit: America Crumbling From Within – Riots & Violence Threaten Rule of Law
One of the WORST OUTBREAKS of civil unrest in American history is unfolding RIGHT BEFORE your eyes in 2020. This is even worse than the Rodney King riots that gripped Los Angeles in the early 1990’s and the college-campus riots of Chicago in the 1960’s. Its roots TRACE BACK to a hash tag that’s controversial and, in some instances, HATE-FUELED.

I have a good friend who was a soldier in one of the world’s most prestigious and ELITE commando units. He was trained to be a warrior and a fighter who could handle SERIOUS mental shocks and still remain poised.

Every storm EVENTUALLY runs out of rain. The coronavirus started out as a non-event for U.S. equities, which, for nearly two months, kept climbing into all-time highs, despite reports from China. The comparisons made to SARS, Ebola and MERS caused investors to assume that this was a NOTHING-BURGER, but then contagion caught on and the tides TURNED so quickly that we saw the FASTEST AND BLOODIEST bear market slam in history.

In the past month, my main message to you has been that we're living IN A NEW WORLD. The sooner you internalize that fact and think in terms of innovating your current set of circumstances and IMPLEMENT it, it will be better off for you.

The coronavirus has now reached all but a few islands in the Pacific and the Caribbean Sea. It's everywhere and it KEEPS ON SPREADING. Italy has declared martial law, and I believe SEVERAL major cities and states in the U.S. will UTILIZE the same method starting this week; discipline to guidelines is still not perfect.

This cannot be reflated; we are EXPERIENCING hyper-deflation. What we're seeing is the 2008 IMPLOSION with a 12-yr delay. Treasury Secretary Mnuchin has said that the markets will stay open, but it's UP IN THE AIR right now, in my opinion. Markets could be closed for weeks.

Coronavirus is now, QUITE HONESTLY, one of the worst disasters to come upon the human race since WW2. The quantity of casualties worldwide is less than 7,000 – which, compared with the 50,000 deaths a day caused by malnutrition, the 400,000 deaths a year caused by smoking, and the hundreds of thousands of deaths every year caused by car accidents and alcoholism, is NOTHING, but the prevention of further spread comes at an unbearable cost to economies.

Checkmate: How Trump Beats Coronavirus
If anybody fits the definition of a survivor, it is Donald J. Trump. The man has risen from the ashes many times in his life. It’s much more than the typical Hollywood rags-to-riches story you’ve heard over and over. Unlike any other business mogul, Trump is a self-made man in every way.

Global Pandemic 2020: Market Crash, Recession, and Calamity!
Governments have tried their hardest to deny, contain, and suppress both the virus and the news, but it’s too late now and the threat is 100% real. The coronavirus, scientifically known as COVID-19, is spreading fast and far, making it impossible for global citizens to ignore its impact.

My 16 Principles For Life-Long Wealth and Prosperity
In order to succeed in today's world, you have to THINK, not just do. Many of the top-paying professions include the need to lead others, make key decisions and be technologically savvy.

2nd Passports: An Expatriating Guide
Getting out from underneath the thumb of the United States government is not as easy as one may think. But if you’re considering retiring in another country, starting a business from home, or simply planning to escape the U.S., this guide will help you understand which countries are welcoming and affordable.

The ULTIMATE Reset Guide: Be Ready for ANYTHING
It’s hard to imagine what our world and society will look like after the global economic reset, but one thing is for certain: you should be prepared for anything.

THE TRUMP TAKEOVER: Washington Politicizes The FED!
Some of you might be old enough to remember a time when the Federal Reserve was a powerful and feared institution: the tall, imposing figure of Paul Volcker comes to mind, along with 10-year T-note yields at 15 percent and real talk of fiscal discipline.

DEEP STATE 2019: A New Generation of Scandalous Manipulation
The year is young, but the storm is already brewing: just when you thought elitist corruption couldn’t possibly hit a new low, 2019 came along and set the bar even lower for next-level backdoor criminal activity.

RETIREMENT DOOM AND SAVINGS GLOOM: Americans are Unprepared and Unaware!
A secure and comfortable quality of life after 40 or 50 years of hard work was once practically a guarantee in America, but the American Dream of retirement is now dead and gone. You can’t count on the government to provide a safety net anymore, so we have to fend for ourselves, which is a setup for certain disaster and widespread financial panic.

ONLINE U.S. BROKERS GUIDE: Top Firms – Complete Manual
I receive many requests for guidance on finding an online broker in the U.S., and especially a broker that allows residents of the United States to buy American OTC (over-the-counter) stocks. This is an important topic because you don’t want to miss out on all of the incredible opportunities in American and Canadian small-cap companies.

The idea of working hard, staying loyal to your employer for 40 years, and retiring comfortably at age 65 is a nice thought – and it made sense in previous generations, when pension plans, Social Security, and other safety nets could be counted on to support us and reward us for all the years we contributed to the system.

TRUMP VS. POWELL: The Race to Find the Perfect Scapegoat
Watching the U.S. President and Chairman of the Federal Reserve go head to head is a highly unusual spectacle in American history.

Precious metals, and especially gold and silver, have done an amazing job of retaining their value over the years. Generation after generation, irrespective of which politicians are in power at the moment, gold and silver have proven themselves time and again as stable stores of value and the ultimate forms of money.

TRUMP ERA: The New America
The Trump presidency has seen controversy and divisiveness like no other in at least the past several generations.

Historic Gold/Silver Ratio: The Whole Truth
Precious metals, and especially gold and silver, have done an amazing job of retaining their value over the years. Generation after generation, irrespective of which politicians are in power at the moment, gold and silver have proven themselves time and again as stable stores of value and the ultimate forms of money.
Fortressing: Making Retirement A Reality Again
Fortressing: Building Your Own Economy for Retirement
Retirement in the Western World is a hoax. What was once the dream of honest, hardworking people has become a nightmare. Zero and negative interest rates have destroyed any likelihood of funding a comfortable retirement. Massive debts accumulated by governments overhang like a dark cloud over your sense of financial security.
Put the government and all its problems in the rear-view mirror by implementing a plan of action that will fortify you economically no matter what is happening around you.

11 Major Gold Catalysts
The world’s governments don’t trust the dollar and are adding more gold reserves than ever before! Keep in mind that China is on route to surpass the U.S., as the biggest economy and their gold reserves are tiny still!

2025 Personal Portfolio
In today’s dynamic investment landscape, identifying emerging companies poised for growth can serve as a cornerstone for building a robust investment portfolio. As I do every year, my intention is to highlight several promising publicly traded companies that exhibit strong potential for future appreciation.

2nd Passports: An Expatriating Guide
Getting out from underneath the thumb of the United States government is not as easy as one may think. But if you’re considering retiring in another country, starting a business from home, or simply planning to escape the U.S., this guide will help you understand which countries are welcoming and affordable.

4 Critical Companies for 2021

6 Highly Speculative Super Growth Stocks
Investing in tomorrow’s potential runners doesn’t get much easier than this. Low-cost, but highly specific: A strong focus on great small-cap companies can be yours.

Precious metals, and especially gold and silver, have done an amazing job of retaining their value over the years. Generation after generation, irrespective of which politicians are in power at the moment, gold and silver have proven themselves time and again as stable stores of value and the ultimate forms of money.

I have a good friend who was a soldier in one of the world’s most prestigious and ELITE commando units. He was trained to be a warrior and a fighter who could handle SERIOUS mental shocks and still remain poised.

Best Real Estate Stocks for the 2020’s
Investing in the real estate sector can come through buying stocks of real estate companies. These businesses, which usually operate as real estate investment trusts (REITs), own or operate real properties. Here are the best real estate stocks (in our view) you should consider for your portfolio. Our principals are shareholders of all of them.

Biden’s Policies (and the lack of them) Causes Recession Fears
Russia preparing to invade Ukraine... Heating bills soaring as a blizzard chills the northeast... The stock market just had one of its worst Januarys on record... After a terrible 2021 with Joe Biden’s approval ratings slipping to new lows, 2022 is already turning out to be an unmitigated disaster.

Biden’s Weak West
Americans are making their voices heard loud and clear. When asked, “In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, do you believe President Biden should make increasing American energy production a priority?” 77.3% said “yes” while just 9.3% said “no.”
Debt Crisis and Central Banks Experimental Policies

2025 Personal Portfolio
In today’s dynamic investment landscape, identifying emerging companies poised for growth can serve as a cornerstone for building a robust investment portfolio. As I do every year, my intention is to highlight several promising publicly traded companies that exhibit strong potential for future appreciation.

Gold Bear Market That No One Expects!
There's a profound difference between the two and I think it's worth diving into for a minute, because this has not only philosophical and spiritual connotations, but also real-world financial observations and consequences.

Gold Breakout: When & Why!
We all know what's at stake here. If gold clinches an all-time high, in dollar terms, it will be the beginning of an incredible multiyear move.

Recession 2023: Why Is Nothing Falling Apart Yet?
Don’t you love irony? The national debt alarmists, who have been predicting chaos for nearly 45 years, while the markets have largely soared, real estate has largely surged and gold has performed epically, have said the “FED is stuck” for ages now…

Gold Breakout: Iran’s Atomic Point of No Return
When Trump gave the most de-globalized U.N. speech in decades (2018), it was a big deal and paved the way to Americans exiting the Middle East, which continues to this day.

Race to Militarize Space: WW3 Has Begun
“This is the beginning of the new beginning,” said NASA administrator Bill Nelson, who was sworn in this past May. He was talking about Artemis 1, which we’ll get to. In 2022, the race to space was boosted by thrust and ignition, with private players and government alike all competing for first dibs on the universe.

Central Bank Digital Currencies: Total Control and End of Privacy
90% of central banks are investigating CBDC’s, as we enter 2023. They understand that CBDC’s must offer the public trust, secure and scalable system, before rolling out anything, because they get one shot with a new system.

Best Real Estate Stocks for the 2020’s
Investing in the real estate sector can come through buying stocks of real estate companies. These businesses, which usually operate as real estate investment trusts (REITs), own or operate real properties. Here are the best real estate stocks (in our view) you should consider for your portfolio. Our principals are shareholders of all of them.

Mega Crypto Crash: Liquidations Left and Right
Touted by Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey and other tech titans, cryptocurrency and the blockchain could represent the future of modern money. At the same time, dreams of fabulous crypto wealth are going down the drain as even the top-tier tokens are collapsing day after day.

Ultimate Forever Stocks: Hold and Add More for the Remainder of Your Life
Albert Einstein once called it the most powerful force in the universe. No, he wasn’t referring to a black hole or a supernova. In actuality, Einstein was talking about compound interest, and you can leverage the power of math to make your portfolio’s value grow exponentially over time.
Resource Bull Market Mania

2025 Personal Portfolio
In today’s dynamic investment landscape, identifying emerging companies poised for growth can serve as a cornerstone for building a robust investment portfolio. As I do every year, my intention is to highlight several promising publicly traded companies that exhibit strong potential for future appreciation.

Gold Bear Market That No One Expects!
There's a profound difference between the two and I think it's worth diving into for a minute, because this has not only philosophical and spiritual connotations, but also real-world financial observations and consequences.

Gold Breakout: When & Why!
We all know what's at stake here. If gold clinches an all-time high, in dollar terms, it will be the beginning of an incredible multiyear move.

Recession 2023: Why Is Nothing Falling Apart Yet?
Don’t you love irony? The national debt alarmists, who have been predicting chaos for nearly 45 years, while the markets have largely soared, real estate has largely surged and gold has performed epically, have said the “FED is stuck” for ages now…

Gold Breakout: Iran’s Atomic Point of No Return
When Trump gave the most de-globalized U.N. speech in decades (2018), it was a big deal and paved the way to Americans exiting the Middle East, which continues to this day.

Race to Militarize Space: WW3 Has Begun
“This is the beginning of the new beginning,” said NASA administrator Bill Nelson, who was sworn in this past May. He was talking about Artemis 1, which we’ll get to. In 2022, the race to space was boosted by thrust and ignition, with private players and government alike all competing for first dibs on the universe.

Central Bank Digital Currencies: Total Control and End of Privacy
90% of central banks are investigating CBDC’s, as we enter 2023. They understand that CBDC’s must offer the public trust, secure and scalable system, before rolling out anything, because they get one shot with a new system.

Best Real Estate Stocks for the 2020’s
Investing in the real estate sector can come through buying stocks of real estate companies. These businesses, which usually operate as real estate investment trusts (REITs), own or operate real properties. Here are the best real estate stocks (in our view) you should consider for your portfolio. Our principals are shareholders of all of them.

Mega Crypto Crash: Liquidations Left and Right
Touted by Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey and other tech titans, cryptocurrency and the blockchain could represent the future of modern money. At the same time, dreams of fabulous crypto wealth are going down the drain as even the top-tier tokens are collapsing day after day.

Ultimate Forever Stocks: Hold and Add More for the Remainder of Your Life
Albert Einstein once called it the most powerful force in the universe. No, he wasn’t referring to a black hole or a supernova. In actuality, Einstein was talking about compound interest, and you can leverage the power of math to make your portfolio’s value grow exponentially over time.
Principles of Investing Success

Defying conventional wisdom: that’s the hallmark of a market prophet, and it’s what few people are willing or able to do, especially as markets get overhyped and the government-owned press refuses to expose the cracks in the foundation.
Six Types of Stocks

11 Major Gold Catalysts
The world’s governments don’t trust the dollar and are adding more gold reserves than ever before! Keep in mind that China is on route to surpass the U.S., as the biggest economy and their gold reserves are tiny still!

2025 Personal Portfolio
In today’s dynamic investment landscape, identifying emerging companies poised for growth can serve as a cornerstone for building a robust investment portfolio. As I do every year, my intention is to highlight several promising publicly traded companies that exhibit strong potential for future appreciation.

2nd Passports: An Expatriating Guide
Getting out from underneath the thumb of the United States government is not as easy as one may think. But if you’re considering retiring in another country, starting a business from home, or simply planning to escape the U.S., this guide will help you understand which countries are welcoming and affordable.

4 Critical Companies for 2021

6 Highly Speculative Super Growth Stocks
Investing in tomorrow’s potential runners doesn’t get much easier than this. Low-cost, but highly specific: A strong focus on great small-cap companies can be yours.

Precious metals, and especially gold and silver, have done an amazing job of retaining their value over the years. Generation after generation, irrespective of which politicians are in power at the moment, gold and silver have proven themselves time and again as stable stores of value and the ultimate forms of money.

I have a good friend who was a soldier in one of the world’s most prestigious and ELITE commando units. He was trained to be a warrior and a fighter who could handle SERIOUS mental shocks and still remain poised.

Best Real Estate Stocks for the 2020’s
Investing in the real estate sector can come through buying stocks of real estate companies. These businesses, which usually operate as real estate investment trusts (REITs), own or operate real properties. Here are the best real estate stocks (in our view) you should consider for your portfolio. Our principals are shareholders of all of them.

Biden’s Policies (and the lack of them) Causes Recession Fears
Russia preparing to invade Ukraine... Heating bills soaring as a blizzard chills the northeast... The stock market just had one of its worst Januarys on record... After a terrible 2021 with Joe Biden’s approval ratings slipping to new lows, 2022 is already turning out to be an unmitigated disaster.

Biden’s Weak West
Americans are making their voices heard loud and clear. When asked, “In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, do you believe President Biden should make increasing American energy production a priority?” 77.3% said “yes” while just 9.3% said “no.”