Personal Finance Articles

Wait for No One and Nothing

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Personal Finance

Wait for No One and Nothing

Aug 21, 2016 | Personal Finance

The Olympic Games have given me the privilege to learn about a man named Julius Yego, a 27-year-old javelin thrower. Kenya is an African country that has one main export: long-distance runners. If you follow athletics, you know this is the Wall Street of running. Julius grew up in a rural village named Cheptonon, in the agricultural environment of Kenya.

As a little boy, he became fascinated with javelin throwing, but since his resources were extremely limited — he was at the heart of Africa — he decided to do something incredible. In major villages in Kenya and many touristic places around the globe, there are Internet shops. These are cafés where you pay for the use of a computer. Julius decided to watch YouTube clips of how the World Champions were throwing in order to mimic their techniques. This reminds me of the extensive amount of reading I do and how important it is for success. I have been one of the biggest proponents of shortening your learning curve, by looking for Success Clues.

Since he had no personal trainer, YouTube became his main source of coaching, and his achievements turned out to be phenomenal. He was an instant sensation locally. He was a self-taught professional athlete – this has never been done before. Not too long after that, Julius won the African championships, and in 2015, this humble man with the beautiful smile and can-do attitude was crowed World Champion in Beijing.


He proved to all so-called “experts” that having a dream is far more important than having a trainer.

When you formulate a Definite Purpose for your life and create a road map to achieve it, you will need the help of a “Wealth Team.” Not only that, but without a Majestic Personality, your journey towards your goals would be filled with objections. On top of these 3 principles of success, every successful person knows that big targets require a big heart and Controlled Optimism. This will nourish your spirit when things aren’t going as planned, and you must continue full-throttle ahead regardless. This calls for Limitless Execution.

Julius Yego had all of these, but he also possessed the 6th essential element to enduring success: Inspired Action-Taking.  

When you set about to realize your goals, you will become so obsessed with making them a reality that you will no longer wait for anybody to tell you how to do things, nor will you wait for things to happen to you. Instead, you will do things without being told. This is a key principle of success.

When you are building a business, a family, a name for yourself as a valuable employee, socializing with a long list of friends, or anything else you deem important, know that by Inspired Action-Taking, you are making people around you do the same. This principle is contagious, to say the least. When you do tasks that you thought of on your own, your employees, spouse, parents, friends, and anyone around you will follow suit.

Another great thing about it is that it builds confidence fast. When you take action with inspiration that springs from your own being, you succeed where others fail. Surely, many have tried before Julius to be a javelin-throwing champion, stopping when they realized that there is no coach in Africa that would be willing to come.

The U.S. is currently facing an employment challenge. People around the country are complaining about the scarcity of quality jobs, and they look to the government for solutions of better and more exciting employment. This is all wrong. The source of new jobs, opportunities, and work is in Inspired Action-Taking. Do you want to open a new business? Looking for a promotion? Ashamed to date a woman? Want to a take a vacation, but fearful of change? Inspired Action-Taking is the answer to your problems. Read books written by the people who already walked the path you wish to take, and implement full-steam ahead. There isn’t and won’t be any better time than now.

The Chinese, Indians, South Koreans, and many other young men and women from developing countries are working two jobs in order to earn their degrees and climb up in the world. The amount of start-up companies springing up in India is beyond words. Inspired Action-Taking creates the future. Sergey Brin and Larry Page weren’t waiting around for others to assign them with the task of perfecting search engines – they thought of it on their own, and today, Google (Alphabet Inc.) employs 57,000 around the globe.

Inspired Action-Taking is exactly as it sounds – totally from within; a product of your self-motivation. To be a super-successful person on an individual level, the initiator of your daily actions must be you. The best time to begin getting inspired is now, and stay inspired at all times. Action is worth everything – words and intention are nothing. That’s why Julius Yego is World Champion – the one man at the top, while tens of thousands of spectators pay to see his skills. He took action while others made excuses.


These six principles are very demanding, but remember that you must implement these starting now for it to become the leading habits of your life. The price of not following them is a life of mediocrity, one in which you are a spectator in other people’s shows, but never on the center stage yourself.

Inspired Action-Taking is the principle that ignites you to advance towards the goal on your own and be the master and boss of your life. Otherwise, you are part of someone else’s plan. When you are able to live like this, you truly are living without compromises – and wait for no one and nothing. Never procrastinate. Charge forward and others will either follow or be left on the sidelines, but you will not be stopped.

Get busy living.

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