He’s Such a Loser

He’s Such a Loser

Today’s publication has very little to do with Joe Biden, Anthony Blinken, and Jack Sullivan, but I just wanted to get us started on the right foot and say that they are losers and idiots.

Weak Dollar, Record Gold: Druckenmiller and Michael Burry!

Weak Dollar, Record Gold: Druckenmiller and Michael Burry!

For the past two years, the U.S. economy has been the only booming financial jurisdiction in the world. China had been a mess, and still is, but it is slowly trying to turn its shipwreck around (they’ll still suck, but they will lie better about it), Europe is dying and in ten years, no one will be able to recognize it (such a crying shame). As far as the rest of the world… well, what can I say about it?

Don’t Give Me That Crap

Don’t Give Me That Crap

You’ve been sold out, but the anarchist forces that are fueling this destruction have lost all sense of control. In their pathetic attempt to win at all costs, they are burning every shred of dignity they have left.