Stock Market Wealth

Mr. Trump Is a False Prophet

by | Stock Market Wealth

The Late John McCain Warned Us

Do you know who said “Mr. Trump is a False Prophet?” It’s the same person who was denounced years ago by John McCain, the Vietnam war hero that the United States voters utterly failed in electing to the office of President, the highest calling in the free world.

John McCain in 1973, shaking the hand of Richard Nixon, after returning from the battlefield, where he was a prisoner of war:


The American public have a habit of favoring complete morons over war heroes, such as in the case of Obama in 2008 or Clinton in 1992.

John McCain was a patriot and loved his country. Read what he says below, uncharacteristically, in 2014, when he took to the mic in one of the only times he criticized a nominee for a role in Obama’s 2nd term. I despise Obama’s worldview, but consider this warning, made by John McCain:

“I will attempt to block this nominee from being confirmed by the United States Senate. He is unqualified, he has refused to answer simple questions. He is dangerous to the young men and women that serve America.”

This is Senator John McCain talking about Anthony Blinken, the residing Secretary of State.

Understand what I am saying; Blinken is a disaster. The fact that Biden chose him for this sensitive role is pure lunacy.

Blinken had the audacity to say that Donald Trump, the only president in over HALF-A-CENTURY not to start any war, is a false prophet.

With all your might and strength, understand that Lloyd Austin, the current Secretary of Defense, is a pure and utter disgrace.

The truth on the ground is that China, Russia, Iran and many others, spit all over this administration, don’t take their calls, and think they are a bunch of losers put in charge of America.

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    This is best understood by their actions. Blinken is an unwanted guest in nearly every country he visits and his ideas are scorned and rejected.

    He has accomplished NOTHING, and with each passing day, he puts more American lives at risk.

    American policy-makers are so utterly insane right now, carrying the torch of the most failed president ever, Obama, that prison populations in Venezuela, African nations and the Middle East, are all emptying out, with those same prisoners now crossing the southern border!

    Irresponsible young adults, who took on ginormous loans and went to study worthless degrees that are based on baseless woke theories, are being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to vote Democrat by way of indirect bribery: student loan forgiveness.

    This is not forgiveness… this is THEFT of taxpayer money!

    More theft is being committed by paying housing, food and utilities by illegal aliens that come into this country, because Biden’s administration has made an unholy pact with Mexican cartels.

    WAKE UP! Your country is headed by the most insane group of post-modernists to ever hold a job. Blinken, at best, could run a small ice-cream truck and Sullivan is no better than any degenerate professor at Columbia, who can’t distinguish between right and wrong.

    Lloyd Austin has never won a battle in his entire military career and Biden and Harris can’t even follow a teleprompter.

    WAKE UP! You’re on the wrong side of history, by remaining indifferent.

    Best Regards,

    Lior Gantz

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