LP(S) – paul – Daily Fetch

LP(S) – paul – Daily Fetch

There are some people, who before they even open their mouths, I know which way they lean and what they’re going to say. They’re not really capable of original, independent thinking anymore, either because they’re just hard-wired to fit everything into their narrative or because their entire identity has been attached to one central idea.

LP(S) – paul – Daily Fetch

LP(S) – paul – SGT Report

There are some people, who before they even open their mouths, I know which way they lean and what they’re going to say. They’re not really capable of original, independent thinking anymore, either because they’re just hard-wired to fit everything into their narrative or because their entire identity has been attached to one central idea.

LP(S) – paul – Daily Fetch

LP(S) – paul – Seeker Silver

There are some people, who before they even open their mouths, I know which way they lean and what they’re going to say. They’re not really capable of original, independent thinking anymore, either because they’re just hard-wired to fit everything into their narrative or because their entire identity has been attached to one central idea.

LP(A) – out – Silver Seeker

LP(A) – out – Silver Seeker

There are some people, who before they even open their mouths, I know which way they lean and what they’re going to say. They’re not really capable of original, independent thinking anymore, either because they’re just hard-wired to fit everything into their narrative or because their entire identity has been attached to one central idea.

LP(A) – fake – Silver Seeker

LP(A) – fake – Silver Seeker

In the past month, I’ve dug into the topic of UFOs, UAPs and encounter/witness abduction accounts. It’s truly a fascinating subject and the body of information to go through is a Mount Everest of documentation, with nothing coming close to these people who would swear on their lives that they were beamed up to hovering spaceships, experiencing loss of both time and memory, but aware of the experiments that were being performed on them.

LP(A) – cover – X22

LP(A) – cover – X22

To keep the masses under control, the Deep State must distract, deflect, and divert their attention. Panic is their weapon of choice, and what they fear most is self-education – and the tools of communication that allow patriots to unite and stand up to their oppressors.