LP(T) – cow

LP(T) – cow

I’ve got big news for you. Greg Jensen, who many consider to be Ray Dalio’s deputy, just went on record that gold has a viable 30% upside potential, which would take it to NEW all-time highs.

LP(T) – cpi

LP(T) – cpi

If Trump’s presidency proved anything, it’s that populism cannot be suppressed. The people will have their voices heard one way or another, and the career politicians will be held accountable sooner or later.

One Stock Has Reacted with a 613% Move

One Stock Has Reacted with a 613% Move

One Stock Has Reacted with a 613% Move The chickens are coming home to roost. After years of incessant fiat currency printing and the government kicking the can down the road, consumer prices are rocketing higher and the public is outraged. 2021 has been devastating...