Stock Market Wealth

FAST and FURIOUS: Major Movements in Cannabis!

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The entire world is changing its attitude about cannabis and its moneymaking potential. Skeptics are turning into believers every single day; both individuals and businesses are making the move and getting involved in the vastly lucrative legalized marijuana market.

These are changes many of us never thought we’d see in our lifetime, but here we are today, seeing cannabis in the news and splashed across the headlines.

Cannabis prohibition simply won’t last much longer. This is obvious in Canada, where the government, the prime minister, and the people overwhelmingly support legalization for medical and adult recreational use of marijuana. No longer is the plant being demonized in the press and among the population, as cannabis education dispels and displaces the long-standing propaganda. As perceptions change, activist and grassroots movements give rise to greater mainstream acceptance and support of this highly profitable plant.

Changes are happening in the United States as well.

It is truly fascinating to research and uncover the shift in perceptions of cannabis, which has been a multi-decade process:

Courtesy of Gallup, The Denver Post

In the foregoing graphs we can see that both the use and the support of marijuana have changed gradually since the 1960s, with a sudden jump in more recent years. It’s also worth noting that younger individuals aren’t the only ones showing support for marijuana legalization; the baby boomer generation (which has a massive voter base during elections and referendums) is loudly and proudly supporting the movement as well.

With the support of the people soon comes the inevitable support of politicians and governments. Long misrepresented and misunderstood, cannabis now faces the prospect of looming legalization throughout North America and worldwide.

It’s a fact that lobbyist and special-interest influence will give way to overwhelming support from voters and the populace as the legalization movement takes hold. As this is happening, new jobs and new sub-industries are popping up, along with new and exciting investment opportunities:

Courtesy of Frontier Financial Group

The research indicates the potential for more than $24 billion in sales of legal cannabis by the year 2025; the CAGR (compound annual growth rate) for the medical market will be 12% and for the recreational adult use market will be 18% according to projections. Given these statistics, it’s astounding to consider what an investment right now, in the right company, could do over the coming months and years.

But that’s the thing: to participate effectively in this rapidly expanding market, you’ve got to identify a company that has the right team, vision, and resources to capitalize on the potent potential of the legalization movement.

Months of due diligence by the Wealth Research Group team of experts have led to this announcement: we are taking a large position in C21 Investments Inc. (CSE:CXXI), a Vancouver-based corporation focused on the cultivation, manufacturing, processing, and distribution of quality cannabis throughout the United States, including non-hemp derived CBD products, which are distributable throughout North America and the international markets.

In fact, this is going to be my ticket to wealth as I watch the cannabis movement get bigger and bigger.

C21 Investments Inc. specializes in making value-added acquisitions and operating along the entire spectrum of the cannabis space, capturing profit margins through the entire value chain.

It’s an ongoing process that continues to benefit the firm as well as investors. The latest instance of this occurred recently when C21 announced a strategic partnership and investment of expansion capital into Phantom Venture Group and Phantom Farms in the Rouge Valley of Southern Oregon.

This strategic venture will benefit all parties: as C21’s CEO Robert Cheney states, “This partnership is a strategic move as we implement our national rollout strategy. We were very impressed with Phantom’s brand strategy and market presence which we plan to expand in Oregon and deploy to other states.”

It’s a sure thing that the cannabis industry will continue to expand and make money for early investors. The same can definitely be said for C21 Investments Inc. and CXXI stock, the best way to capitalize on North America’s most important movement right now.

Best Regards,

Lior Gantz

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