Personal Finance Articles

Fixated On Gold Stocks: Nothing Can Shake My Resolve

by | Personal Finance

This Will Be Marvelous

Gold has never closed a calendar month at a higher price in USD terms, but CNBC didn’t even spend 10 seconds on this topic, and I want to thank the propaganda machine at the editorial studio for continuing not to mention what’s happening in the real world.

If I could send chocolates and flowers to each woke and delusional CNBC commentator and author/contributor, I would because while they indoctrinate Americans to believe that left is right, right is wrong, victims are winners, and poor are rich, we at Wealth Research Group have been killing it!

In the month of November, URTY, which is the 3x-leveraged ETF on the Russell 2000 I told you was my biggest trade, was up 24.8%!

The top company in the world and my biggest individual stock position that we’ve discussed many times here has exploded to new highs in November, now up 77% year-to-date:

In life, when you sense in your intuition and subconscious that something is right, you must act on it.

Your greatest ally in this world is your ability to receive inspiration from the subconscious.

Any great achievement stems from understanding the feeling that comes up when thinking about a topic critically and not listening to brainwashing and inaccurate reporting.

Gold and gold stocks are really close to making history, and I’ve been pounding the table on this since the November 3rd FOMC meeting. I even immediately penned a publication about it right after explaining that the FED had just unleashed the bull market!

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    I am telling you that this is just the beginning of what is going to be the best year for gold stocks in ages!

    The Pending Home Sales Index dropped back to a new record low!

    This is very important because, as you can see, gold soars every time pending home sales are at lows!

    Courtesy:, Bloomberg

    If you follow each and every publication we release and read our overviews of what’s going on in the world, you may NOT LIKE what you’re reading because it doesn’t line up with your narrative, but I despise narratives!

    My greatest fear in life is that some agenda will steal my soul, operating system, core beliefs, and that my actions and behaviors won’t be mine but the consequence of succumbing to someone else’s script that has been pushed subtly to my ego. I will never allow that to happen.

    When do you know that you’re living under the correct conditions? When do you know you’re on the right path and not a rudderless ship sailing in whichever direction the wind is blowing while only reacting and never originating?

    You live right when you are energized, vitalized, and accomplish results while seeing real advancement in your financials, relationships, marriage, EVERYTHING.

    Results are the only true barometer, and the rest is just excuses and justifications.

    I refuse to live in any other way, and I know that when I publish my insights, they penetrate your being because they are truthful. Try as you might, you can’t deny it for long.

    The truth always wins.

    Right now, the financial conditions in the U.S. are loosening dramatically. As I wrote two weeks ago, GOLD SOARS when this happens!

    Courtesy:, Bloomberg

    I expect the next two weeks to serve as a breather in the rally and the FOMC meeting to set the path for 2024.

    We will analyze it truthfully when it happens and won’t shove the mainstream delusions down your throat.

    Let’s go!

    Best Regards,

    Lior Gantz

    Governments Have Amassed ungodly Debt Piles and Have Promised Retirees Unreasonable Amounts of Entitlements, Not In Line with Income Tax Collections. The House of Cards Is Set To Be Worse than 2008! Rising Interest Rates Can Topple The Fiat Monetary Structure, Leaving Investors with Less Than Half of Their Equity Intact!

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