Stock Market Wealth
Become A Wealth Machine
PROFOUND: This Is Seriously Important!
I am currently in my Manhattan hotel room, located on the 21st floor, overlooking Times Square. It is one of the only suites in the city that has a terrace, and I have a view of the concrete jungle, watching the millions of people, all gifted, ambitious, talented, and competitive, who are racing to meet their next deadline, milestone, or promotion, in this blizzard of capitalism.
Walking the streets, thousands of buttoned-up professionals, all intelligent, hard-working and driven, remind me how powerful the incentive system is, which makes up our free markets.
People, from their teens to their 70s, are all trying to figure out how to get that edge above the rest. It is a beautiful drama, and it is the source of major ideas, both good (innovation and service) and evil (frauds and scams), as intellect can concoct many plans, productive and destructive alike, to get ahead in this world.
As I took a guided carriage tour of Central Park with my wife and daughter, I thought of the hundreds of millions of people out there, currently in jeopardy of losing their livelihood to either slave-wage nations, which make up nearly 38% of our planet, or to Artificial Intelligence. What could they do to beat those competitive forces, pushing them away from prosperity?
As our Turkish guide was showing me the high-end real estate buildings that he called “old money” and “new money,” I remind you that money is always abundant in society, as a whole. There will always be plenty of wealth, but the human race goes through periods of concentrated riches and spread-out riches.
It is very obvious to me that we are heading into a far more concentrated world, where some will be billionaires, trillionaires even, while the majority will not get to enjoy sustained, life-long prosperity.
Therefore, I want to share with you how I personally overcame my father’s three bankruptcies to become an entrepreneur, investor and a businessman. What you’ll see is that it is simple to emulate; you already have all the ingredients to replicate this inside of you.
This has nothing to do with your age, background, degrees, or with your present-day financial situation, no matter how dire or comfortable it is, as you read this.
All you need is the willingness to live your life in a certain way, which leads to balance and progress. The key word is willingness to change, instead of succumbing to external circumstances, which will surely seem like obstacles.
There are many things that robots and hundreds of $3 a day workers can supply the world with, but there is one thing neither of these can ever replace, and that is the added value of an inspired individual within an organization.
You see, no matter what, it is possible for you to keep rising within your industry if you conduct yourself in a particular manner, which brings superior results.
Don’t become dreadful of the word inspiration, since I like to call it “putting the finishing touch on everyday, ordinary actions.”
Put differently, the person, who is too valuable to be fired or become obsolete, is the person who is obsessed with putting the finishing touches on everything he or she comes in contact with.
Here are the ingredients, which I hope you incorporate from now on in your daily routine. You will notice they are not unusual, difficult or time-demanding, but do require immense concious effort to fixate. It will grant you this sort of freedom and peace of mind, internally, and you’ll notice that conditions are bettering around you, consistently.
You’ll become addicted to this manner of thinking and acting, just as I have.
- PATIENCE: The value of being able to suffer through, waiting for other people to come around and see things the right way, to be calm and not in a hurry, is priceless.
Practicing patience, under all circumstances, will open doors for you. Patience includes the ability to remain hopeful, even though things look bad, and to understand other’s point of view, even though they might be opposite of yours.
- KINDNESS: Showing kindness to your family, friends, strangers, clients, co-workers, and with the world at large is valuable. This should be your natural attitude, your starting point.
Speaking as an investor, the ROI is infinite.
Kindness doesn’t cost a penny, yet it is remembered by all, who receive it from you. Kindess pays big dividends.
Don’t calculate it or hold back on it to “use” it at the right moment, or with the right person. It is always the correct choice.
When it is most difficult to apply, make an effort to stick with it, as it is your opportunity to grow, to release poisons held inside and replace them with maturity.
- GENEROSITY: This is a key component, since it is the hardest to execute in our competitive world.
This should be your attitude towards others people in business. Complement them instead of being envious of them. you have no enemies. Build bridges. Connect with your adversaries.
You will quickly see how others change their demeanor towards you when they see you have nothing against them or their success.
There are seven additional components to my philosophy of how to become more valuable than any low-cost worker or perfectly designed machine, who is threatening to take your job, and I’ll share them with you in upcoming letters.
You can become a person, who commands a hefty price tag, and these three ingredients will take you there.
Best Regards,
Lior Gantz
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